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Saturday, November 19, 2011

thoughts. perplexed.

Come to think about it, it's been already almost 2 years now.
Throughout the journey there's moment of joy and emotional downturn.
Looks like a stock market graph; it'll rise and peak at times but,
most of the times it's down.

At times also I've thought of giving up. But I've chose not to.
Today, I've witnessed someone's perseverance.
Though she might, or might not know that she'll end up,
She chose to, persevere.

It's been holding me throughout these two years.
Like a rock, tied up to someone's leg.
I'm just like a prisoner to situations.
But I behave like someone tries to suicide.

One of my friend, witnessed deaths throughout his times.
And he was kinda happy about it. Not because of the death.
But merely the outcome of it. Maybe because of his obsession.
Been thinking that I've a sadist to my own.
And this is not good. And I'm doing this so win-win happens.

Maybe win-lose. I'll get the latter one.

God, please, don't let me think too much. Else I might get,
distracted. Eternally.